
Jan 31, 20223 min

The Green Thinkers: Anna from Planetly

We are so happy to start into the new year with a wonderful interview partner: Say hi to Anna – founder and CEO of Planetly. Discover today how their climate technology helps companies to better control and balance their carbon footprint. And what hot tips Anna has for us after this year's Veganuary.

The climate crisis affects us all. Individuals as well as global players. However, these players bear special responsibility – especially with regard to the CO2 they produce and must reduce or offset as quickly as possible. Until now, CO2 management has been time-consuming, complex and static. Planetly's climate technology aims to make it simple and smart. Let's hear what Anna has to share with us.

Hi – who are you?

My name is Anna and I am the founder of Climate Tech Company Planetly. Our simple automated process helps companies understand, reduce and offset carbon emissions, helping them achieve its net-zero targets in line with the Science-Based Targets initiative.

What did you have for breakfast today?

It’s Veganuary so I had muesli with Oatly Milk.

Share something that makes you happy at the moment…

What makes me really happy is how much movement there is in the climate tech space – both on the side of investors as well as startups.

What does a normal working day look like in your world?

Currently, I spend most of my time in the home office and I really enjoy going to the office in Berlin to see my team members. I start working at 9 am and take a break from 6 until 8.30 pm to spend time with my family. Since joining OneTrust I jump back on my laptop in the evening to work with Headquarters in Atlanta on our future plans – and they are big!

Why do you think your company / idea is important for the environment?

Companies play a crucial role in taking climate action and reducing carbon emissions. With Planetly, we make sure that companies get full transparency and control over their carbon footprint.

Which trend(s) in sustainability and green tech are you feeling positive and hopeful about?

Some 50,000 large and/or listed EU companies with more than 250 employees or more than 40 million in revenue will have to find a solution to manage their CO2 footprint as it will be mandatory by 2023 under the new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). Starting from January 2023, the companies in the scope of the new Directive will have to publish their respective sustainability reports in January 2024 with data from the previous year. We dive deeper into the topic in our Planetly article.

Here's why such tools are extremely important. According to a new global BCG survey, 85% of organizations are concerned about reducing their greenhouse gas emissions, and 96% have set targets for reducing emissions in at least one scope. Yet only 11% have cut their emissions in line with their ambitions over the past five years. Respondents say their inability to measure accurately and exhaustively is the leading roadblock – just 9% measure their total emissions comprehensively. BCG surveyed 1,290 organizations with 1,000 employees or more and revenues ranging from approximately $100 million to over $10 billion – across nine major industries worldwide – to find out how they were measuring and reducing their greenhouse gas emissions.

So the number one trend for this year is not only the need for leadership to incorporate the concept of sustainability, they also need to execute their ideas based on the data.

What green life hack have you learned recently that you're curious to share?

Once a year – during Veganuary – I check out all new vegan products in the vegan space. Some of the products stay, such as Oatly or bread spreads made by Rügenwalder.

Let's say we give you a little bit of our soilkind compost. Which plants do you want to share some compost joy with?

In the first lockdown, I saved our office plants and took them all home with me – they would definitely get a little bit of compost love.

How do you connect with nature? Where do you feel most at home?

I love spending time in the forest. Which I mostly do on the weekends.

If you had one minute to talk to the Earth, what would you say to her?

Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are beautiful!
