Real compost in just 48 hours – this is how soilkind combines nature and high-tech

Smarter in 3 minutes? Get to know our soilkind technology today at turbo speed and understand why our automatic kitchen composter can create real compost from organic waste in such a short time.
Echter Kompost in nur 48 Stunden – so vereint soilkind Natur und High-Tech

You may be asking yourself: “Real compost in just 48 hours? How is that possible?” We asked ourselves that too. And around two years ago we started developing soilkind. Nature and high-tech combined. That is the essence of soilkind and part of our unique technology. In three steps, soilkind transforms your organic waste into nutrient-rich compost in just 48 hours. Clean, odorless and super easy to use. These are the three steps of our unique soilkind technology:

Step 1: Shred & dry your kitchen waste

You can fill soilkind with food scraps at any time. soilkind's robust shredding mechanism processes them automatically. The grinder can also handle small bones and nut shells. By drying them afterwards, we "pause" the decomposition processes of the microorganisms on the food scraps, so that they can be stored in soilkind almost indefinitely and without developing any odor - until you have enough waste to turn it into real compost with soilkind.

Step 2: Remineralize & Compost

In our composting chamber we "wake up" the microorganisms again: soilkind's intelligent sensors measure and regulate the values ​​for temperature, pH value, humidity, oxygen quantity and surface so that the microorganisms are provided with optimal metabolic conditions. In this feel-good atmosphere, they break down the main components in the food waste - sugar, starch, proteins and fats - at top speed. No one else can do that except us.

Step 3: Enjoy fresh compost

At the end of the process, the organic waste is converted into valuable humic substances and inorganic minerals - the essence of real, high-quality compost. You can simply remove it and use it to do something really good for your plants!

With soilkind you can always use peat-free soil, because our compost aerates the soil and provides it with sufficient nutrients. The mixing ratio is 1 to 10. 1 part soilkind compost and 10 parts peat-free potting soil.